Title: Perspectives on the Use and Production of Medical Isotopes in Brazil
Speaker: Dr. ClaudioTinoco Mesquita
Date: December,2nd, at 2:40 P.M.
Speaker summary: Dr.ClaudioTinocoMesquita- Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Rio de Janeiro State Scientist by Faperj. Vice President of Nuclear Cardiology of the Cardiovascular Imaging Department of the SBC (DIC-SBC). Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences Coordinator of the Health Science & Education Lab (HSE Lab) Full member of the Rio de Janeiro Academy of Medicine Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC), Fellow of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (FASNC), Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC), Fellow of the Inter-American Society of Cardiology (FSIAC)
Title: Activities on applications of nuclear radiation for student audience
Speaker: Margarete Cristina Guimarães
Date: December,3rd, AT 10:30 A.M.
Speaker summary: PhD in Science in Radiation Technology, Minerals and Materials at CDTN/CNEN. Researcher and Quality Manager at the Irradiation Laboratory/CDTN. She has experience as a teacher in higher education courses for radiology technologists. in Radiology. She conducts specialized training on Collegiate Board Resolution (RDC) 611/2022, training professionals and healthcare establishments to ensure compliance with the standards of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and promoting safe and effective practices in the radiology sector. Member of the Brazilian Society for Radiological Protection (SBPR).
Title: Perspective sonthe Use and Productionof Medical Isotopes in Brazil
Speaker: Dr. Elba Etchebehere - Nuclear Physician
Date: December,2nd, AT 2:40 P.M.
Speaker summary: Elected President of the Brazilian Society of Nuclear Medicine for the 2025/2026 TermAssociate Professor, Nuclear Medicine, UNICAMP.
Title: Security and Development Strategies:The Role of GSI Nuclear Working Groups in the CDPNB and Sipron
Speaker: Admiral Francisco André Barros Conde
Date: December,2nd, AT 9:40 A.M
Speaker summary: Admiral Francisco André Barros Conde - is an officer in the and rose to his current rank on March 31, 2022. He has a degree in Naval Science from the Naval Academy and a degree in Electronics at the Admiral Wandenkolk Instruction Center. He has a High Defense Studies course at the Higher Defense School, as well as the Complementary Course and the Cyber Defense Internship for QEMA Cyber Defense Internship for QEMA Officers (in the Brazilian Army). PhD in Naval Sciences from the Naval War College. Throughout his career, he has held the following positions, among others functions: Commander of the High Seas Tug Admiral Guilhem, Head of the Electronics Group of the São Paulo Aircraft Carrier, Head of the Operations Department of theHead of the Operations Department of the School Ship Brazil, Adjutant of the Planning Division of the Fleet Command-in-Chief, Instructor at the Naval Warfare Naval Warfare Academy of Ecuador, Deputy Secretary of the Interministerial Commission for the Resources of the Sea (SECIRM), Director of the Personnel Selection Service of the Navy, Head of the of the Navy, Head of the Strategic Management Center and the Cyber Operations Head of the Strategic Management Center and the Cyber Operations Coordination Center of the Cyber Defense Command, and currently holds the position of Secretary for Monitoring and Management of Strategic Affairs of the Office of Institutional Security of the Presidency of the Republic. of the Republic, in which capacity he is the Executive Secretary of the
Development Committee of the Brazilian Nuclear Program, Coordinator of the Executive Committee of the Integrated Border Protection Program.
Title: Navigating the Landscape of Nuclear Energy Development in Brazil: Trends and Features
Speaker: Luis Eduardo Jaimes Reatiga
Date: December, 2nd at 10:30 A.M.
Speaker summary: Over 10 years of experience in the oil & gas industry (Prodycon, Shell Co, Ecopetrol), beverages (Postobón), and asphalt (GUD I&P). Over 10 years of experience in university teaching at UMASS (TA/RA) and UNAB in undergraduate courses (Fuel Processes and Production, Process Simulation, Chemistry for Engineers, Environmental Chemistry, among others) and graduate courses (Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes, Creative Problem Solving)