Title: Special Guests
Speaker: Admiral Rabello - Director General of Nuclear and Technological Development
Date: December, 2nd
Speaker Summary: Admiral Alexandre Rabello de Faria was born in São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, on February 20, 1966.He joined the Brazilian Navy in 1981, graduated as an ensign in 1987, and specialized as an engineer in 1991.Admiral Rabello held various positions aboard ships and in land-based organizations throughout his career, having commanded three ships, including the Aircraft Carrier São Paulo.He was promoted to Rear Admiral in 2016 and to his current rank on July 31, 2023. As an Admiral, he has served as the Coordinator of the Navy's Re-equipment Program, Commander of the Surface Fleet, Chief of Staff of the Naval Operations Command, Director of the Navy's Program Management, President of the Delegates Council of the Inter-American Defense Board, and Advisor to the Director-General of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy. He currently holds the position of Director-General of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy.Admiral Rabello speaks Spanish and English with reasonable fluency. He has been married to Mrs. Aldora Faria for 30 years, and they have two children, Gabriel and Felipe.