Title: Navigating the Landscape of Nuclear Energy Development in Brazil: Trends and Features
Speaker: Sr Giovani Machado - Representative of EPE
Date: December, 2nd AT 10:30 A.M.
Speaker summary: is an economist from UFF, master and doctor in Energy Planning from COPPE/UFRJ. He has over 30 years in the energy sector. He is an expert in various energy topics, such as: energy transition; planning, market design, policy and regulation of the energy sector; energy demand scenarios, models and projections; energy geopolitics; sustainable development, environment and low-carbon economy; nuclear energy, including Small Modular Reactors – SMR. He assumed several management positions throughout his career, including Director of Economic-Energy and Environmental Studies and Interim Director of Electric Energy Studies at the Energy Research Company – EPE. He is currently Advisor to the President of EPE and President of the Technical Working Group on Nuclear Energy in Low Carbon Energy Systems of the International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA.