TINS Leonam noticiaTitle: Navigating the Landscape of Nuclear Energy Development in Brazil: Trends and Features

Speaker: Former Minister of Mines and Energy - Bento Albuquerque

Date: December, 2nd AT 10:30 A.M.

Speaker summary: President of the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) from 2019 to 2022, President of the Electric Sector Monitoring Committee (CMSE) from 2019 to 2022, President of the Chamber of Exceptional Rules for Hydro-Energy Management (CREG) from 2021 to 2022. He also served on the Boards of the following companies: Amazônia Azul Tecnologias de Defesa S.A. (AMAZUL) - President of the Board from 2016 to 2019, NUCLEBRAS Equipamentos Pesados S.A. (NUCLEP) - Member and President from 2016 to 2019 and from 2019 to 2020, respectively, Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) - President of the Board from 2019 to 2022, Itaipu Binational Hydroelectric Power Plant - Member from 2020 to 2023. He is a Rear Admiral, a veteran of the Navy, an institution to which he dedicated 47 years of active service, including key experiences as: Military Observer during the Bosnian War (Sarajevo and later in Dubrovnik, Croatia); Commander of two submarines; Chief of Staff to the Commander of the Navy; Director-General of the Inter-American Defense Board (JID), an entity linked to the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington D.C., USA; Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Fleet; and Director-General of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy, leading the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB) and the Navy's Nuclear Program (PNM), the Navy's key strategic programs. He currently serves as an independent advisor and consultant to companies in the Infrastructure and Energy sectors—including renewable energy (nuclear, wind, biomass, etc.); Oil; Gas; and Mining—and collaborates with FGV Energy.

TINS Leonam noticiaTitle: Navigating the Landscape of Nuclear Energy Development in Brazil: Trends and Features

Speaker:  Sr Giovani Machado - Representative of EPE

Date: December, 2nd AT 10:30 A.M.

Speaker summary: is an economist from UFF, master and doctor in Energy Planning from COPPE/UFRJ. He has over 30 years in the energy sector. He is an expert in various energy topics, such as: energy transition; planning, market design, policy and regulation of the energy sector; energy demand scenarios, models and projections; energy geopolitics; sustainable development, environment and low-carbon economy; nuclear energy, including Small Modular Reactors – SMR. He assumed several management positions throughout his career, including Director of Economic-Energy and Environmental Studies and Interim Director of Electric Energy Studies at the Energy Research Company – EPE. He is currently Advisor to the President of EPE and President of the Technical Working Group on Nuclear Energy in Low Carbon Energy Systems of the International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA.

14 11 TINS SPECIAL GUEST Admiral Rabello noticiaTitle: Special Guests

Speaker: Admiral Rabello - Director General of Nuclear and Technological Development 

Date: December, 2nd

Speaker Summary: Admiral Alexandre Rabello de Faria was born in São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, on February 20, 1966.He joined the Brazilian Navy in 1981, graduated as an ensign in 1987, and specialized as an engineer in 1991.Admiral Rabello held various positions aboard ships and in land-based organizations throughout his career, having commanded three ships, including the Aircraft Carrier São Paulo.He was promoted to Rear Admiral in 2016 and to his current rank on July 31, 2023. As an Admiral, he has served as the Coordinator of the Navy's Re-equipment Program, Commander of the Surface Fleet, Chief of Staff of the Naval Operations Command, Director of the Navy's Program Management, President of the Delegates Council of the Inter-American Defense Board, and Advisor to the Director-General of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy. He currently holds the position of Director-General of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy.Admiral Rabello speaks Spanish and English with reasonable fluency. He has been married to Mrs. Aldora Faria for 30 years, and they have two children, Gabriel and Felipe.


TINS Leonam noticiaTitle: Navigating the Landscape of Nuclear Energy Development im Brazil: Trendsand Features

Speaker: Coordenador: Dr Leonam Guimarães (AMAZUL) 

Date: December, 2nd AT 10:15 A.M.

Speaker summary: Doctor in Naval and Ocean Engineering from the Escola Politécnica-USP (University of São Paulo); Master’s in Nuclear Engineering from the Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN), University of Paris XI; Coordinator of the Science and Technology Committee at AMAZUL and Technical Director of ABDAN; Member of the National Academy of Engineering (ANE); CEO of Eletronuclear from October 2017 to October 2022; Member of the Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy (SAGNE) and the International Nuclear Liability Expert Group (INLEX) of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).

14 11 TINS OPENING CEREMONY Admiral Carlos Seixas noticiaTitle: Opening Ceremony

Speaker: Admiral Carlos Seixas

Date: December,2nd

Speaker Summary: The president of Nuclebrá Equipamentos Pesados S.A. (NUCLEP) is a Rear Admiral (Retired) of the Brazilian Navy, promoted to the rank in 2010. He graduated in Naval Sciences in 1982 from the Naval School and specialized in the history of international relations.He holds a Master's and Ph.D. in Naval Sciences from the Naval War College, with several commands and leadership positions throughout his career, always working closely with administrative, accounting, and financial aspects in his endeavors. During his career in the Brazilian Navy, he was stationed in Chile, Portugal, and the United States.In July 2016, he took on the role of Administrative Director at NUCLEP and served as interim president in April 2017. In December 2017, he was appointed president of NUCLEP.

