Title: Female Leadership in the Nuclear Innovation Sector: Bridging Gapsin Public Understanding
Speaker: PhD Profa Inaya Lima - COPPE/POLI/UFRJ
Date: December, 2nd, AT 01:30 P.M.
Speaker summary: She holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics (UFF), a Master's and PhD in Nuclear Engineering/Applied Nuclear Physics (COPPE/UFRJ) and a Post-Doctorate in Materials Science and Technology (UERJ/IPRJ). She was a PROMETRO researcher at Inmetro (Materials Metrology Division). She was a Visiting and Adjunct Professor at UERJ/IPRJ in the Department of Mechanics and Energy and in the Postgraduate Program in Materials Science and Technology. As a multifaceted professional, she has a postgraduate degree in Photography and Image (UCAM) and musical training in percussion (Maracatu Brasil).