Regarding TINS 2024


The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE), of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), through the Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN), will host the Congress of Technology and Innovation in Nuclear Sector 2024 (TINS 2024) on December 2nd and 3rd, 2024.

TINS 2024 will foster discussions on topics of interest to professionals working in the sector, contributing to human resources development. This represents a concrete contribution to the adoption of public policies focused on the sector's key idea as a driver of development and social inclusion, which poses one of the major challenges of our society.

The event will be able to contribute to the enhancement of essential public policies for the country's development by disseminating knowledge capable of supporting its managers in strategic decision-making.




Congress of Technology and Innovation in the Nuclear S ...
TINS 2024 is a scientific event that will address disc ...
The Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN) at COPPE and the ...
Congress of Technology and Innovation in the Nuclear S ...


Coming soon


Coming soon

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