Caro(a) congressista,
O Congress of Technology and Innovation in Nuclear Sector - TINS 2024 começará em breve e, com muita alegria, o Comitê Organizador traz, para você, informações importantes sobre o evento.
Este ano o evento será híbrido, portanto, caso tenha optado por participar de forma virtual, fique atento ao nosso site (2TINS). Lá você terá acesso à todas as informações para participação no evento.
Para os congressistas que optaram por participar no formato presencial, o auditório da COPPETEC (CT2/UFRJ) fica localizado na rua Moniz de Aragão, 360 Cidade Universitária da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Veja a localização no Mapa AQUI.
A UFRJ conta com a oferta de transporte coletivo e gratuito, com linhas de ônibus planejadas e fiscalizadas pela Prefeitura Universitária e destina-se a toda comunidade acadêmica e demais usuários de serviços oferecidos pela universidade. Para acesso ao Parque Tecnológico, a UFRJ oferece a linha 4 (BRT / Estação x Parque Tecnológico / COPPEAD) com intervalo de 15 minutos (manhã e tarde) e 20 minutos (noite, até as 20h30).
Para mais informações sobre oferta de linhas, itinerários e horários, clique AQUI.
A secretaria do evento estará disponível nos dias 2 e 3 de dezembro, das 8h às 16h, tanto no formato presencial quanto virtual. Caso necessite de alguma orientação, favor entrar em contato pelos seguintes canais:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WhatsApp: 2199845- 2827.
Para os congressistas que optaram por participar no formato presencial, basta se identificar na secretaria do evento nos dias 02 e 03 de dezembro, das 8h às 16h.
Para saber como será a programação técnica do evento, clique AQUI.
Para saber como será a programação para apresentação dos E-PÔSTER, clique AQUI.
A cerimônia de abertura do TINS 2024 será realizada no dia 02/12, às 8h30. Não perca!
O intervalo para o almoço do evento será das 12h30 às 13h30. No Centro de Tecnologia (CT), localizado na rua Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149 existem diversas opções de restaurantes e a localização é bem próxima ao local do evento.
O TINS 2024 também contará com a oferta de coquetel de abertura para os participantes, no dia 02/12, das 18h às 19h30.
Desejamos a você um ótimo evento!
Comitê Organizador do TINS 2024.
The first edition of the Technology and Innovation Congress in the Nuclear Sector (TINS 2023) was incredible! Don't miss the opportunity to relive the best moments of this incredible event!
Check out the photos that captured all the energy, innovation and learning that marked the event and get ready for the second edition!
Click HERE
TINS 2024 is a scientific event that will address discussions on topics of importance to the nuclear engineering field through Seminars, Round Tables, and Lectures, providing an opportunity to discuss issues affecting various sectors of nuclear engineering, as well as to present case studies, equipment, and technologies available in the market.
The event will be held in person on December 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at Auditorium CT2 - COPPETEC – R. Muniz de Aragão, 360 - Block 1 - Ilha do Fundão - Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Congress of Technology and Innovation in the Nuclear Sector 2024 (TINS 2024) will take place on December 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at Auditorium CT2 - COPPETEC – R. Muniz de Aragão, 360 - Block 1 - Ilha do Fundão - Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Click HERE to check the location on the map!
The Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN) at COPPE and the Nuclear Engineering Department (DNC) at the School of Engineering have been operating in an integrated manner since 1972. Faculty members are involved in both graduate (PEN) and undergraduate (DNC) programs, always promoting teaching and research in an inseparable way.
In accordance with PEN's mission and objectives, as well as the program's transdisciplinary nature, the Curriculum Structure is associated with concentration areas and the research lines of PEN faculty members. The program offers the attainment of a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degrees for candidates with a bachelor's degree in Nuclear Engineering and/or related fields, with the possibility to choose the concentration area of their research.
The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE), at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, is one of the largest centers for engineering education and research in Latin America. Founded in 1963 by engineer Alberto Luiz Coimbra, it played a significant role in the creation of postgraduate education in Brazil and has, until 2022, graduated 18,377 masters and doctors in its 13 Stricto Sensu postgraduate programs (master's and doctorate).
Supported by three pillars – academic excellence, exclusive dedication of faculty and students, and engagement with society – COPPE is a center for knowledge production and dissemination, qualified professionals, and teaching methods. Its standards of quality in education, research, and interaction with society have been adopted as models by universities and research institutes across the country.
It is the Brazilian engineering institution with the highest number of maximum ratings granted by CAPES to courses with performance equivalent to those of the most important teaching and research centers in the world. Ten of its thirteen master's and doctoral programs were evaluated with concepts of international excellence (6 and 7).
COPPE annually graduates more than 500 masters and doctors. Its students are prepared to deal with cutting-edge knowledge without losing touch with the reality and demands of society..