Notícia 06ConfiraAOrganização

Contribute to the organization of the 22nd CBCat, in addition to the direction of SBCat, 4 commissions:

Executive Committee, with the functions of coordinating and executing the event.
Scientific Committee, with the task of coordinating issues of abstract submission, evaluation of abstracts, editing and distribution of papers in different areas and sessions.
Support Commission, with the function of receiving the participants of the 22nd CBCat and offering information.
Financial Commission, with the function of carrying out budget planning and control, searches for development and sponsorship, verifying registrations, and reporting to participants.

Click HERE and check out the members of each committee.

Notícia 05ConheçamAEscolaSchool of Catalysis

Catalysts: from the design to the application.
Date: August 21st to 23rd, 2023
Location: R. Eng. Luiz Englert, 333 - Farroupilha, Porto Alegre - RS, 90040-040 Centro Cultural da UFRGS - Porto Alegre/RS
Organization: Prof. Dr. Anderson Joel Schwanke (DFQ/UFRGS), Dr. Christian Wittee Lopes (PRH 50.1/UFRGS) and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Lavayen (DQI/UFRGS).

Notícia 01ConvidadosClick HERE to check out the speakers who will participate in the 22nd CBCat.
