
About the 22nd Brazilian Congress on Catalysis

The 22nd CBCat will be held at the Dall'Onder Grande Hotel Events Center of Bento Gonçalves in Serra Gaúcha.

The city is marked by valleys and cliffs with winding rivers where dozens of wineries are-from the largest in the country to small and handcrafted, guardians from the tradition of immigrants from Italy in the late nineteenth century. Bento Gonçalves, who is known by Vale dos Vinhedos and the Stone Paths, will shelter discussions about catalysis for a few days.

The congress returns in person, allowing the reunion of researchers,professors, students and professionals in the chemical industry, so the theme could not be different, the 22nd CBCat comes “Catalysing Reunions and Chemical Transformations”.


The deadline for submission of abstracts was extended. For full abstracts, the deadline is April 30th. For recent abstracts, the deadline is August 15th.

Participate in the School of Catalysis, the pre-event of the 22nd CBCat which will take place between August 21st and August 23rd.

Learn more HERE and register!

The Dall'Onder Hotel is offering an exclusive discount to 22 CBCat participants on reservations. The hotel has several categories of accommodations.

The offer is valid for the period from September 25th to 30th, 2023. Check HERE for the daily rates.

Registration for the 22nd Brazilian Congress on Catalysis is open. In the link below you can register and check the value of registrations.

Click HERE and register.

Abstract submissions for the 22nd Brazilian Congress on Catalysis are open!

Learn more by clicking HERE.

Contribute to the organization of the 22nd CBCat, in addition to the direction of SBCat, 4 commissions:

Executive Committee, with the functions of coordinating and executing the event.
Scientific Committee, with the task of coordinating issues of abstract submission, evaluation of abstracts, editing and distribution of papers in different areas and sessions.
Support Commission, with the function of receiving the participants of the 22nd CBCat and offering information.
Financial Commission, with the function of carrying out budget planning and control, searches for development and sponsorship, verifying registrations, and reporting to participants.

Click HERE and check out the members of each committee.

